RBS Community Fund - Nominate the 145th Today!!!
18th August 2010

Help 145th Glasgow Scout Group get some much needed funding?
The Royal Bank of Scotland is committed to supporting the communities in which we live and work and are looking to support Community Groups with financial assistance from their Community Fund programme. The grant process consists of open nominations followed by a selection process and finally a vote for the chosen charities. More information is available on the RBS website.
If you would like to nominate us as your chosen Charity, please log on to their website (click above) and enter the following information:
Post Code: You must enter a postcode for the Branch closest to where we meet - i.e. G46 6JB the branch is the Giffnock Branch based at 158A Fenwick Road, Giffnock
Charity: 145th Glasgow Scout Group
Telephone No: 07979286531
Email: info@145thglasgowscouts.org.uk
Address: c/o 163 Fenwick Road, Giffnock, Glasgow G46 6JB
Details: Write your own description of what our Group does for our young people and make it as personal as you can.
Nominations close on 27th August - which doesn't give you much time, so please fill in your details and pass this on to anyone else you know. You can only vote once for us but you can cast votes for other charities and organisations in the area.